Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Structure of Stolaf Buildings

After our discussion yesterday on the buildings of St. Olaf I thought about it more when walking around campus. The idea that the St. Olaf ideals of spirit, mind and body come together in the structure of the buildings on campus is true I think in some buildings but not in others. I was analyzing Skoglund/ Tostrud and when I thought about it, yes there are aspects of all three. Body: the athletics and varsity, club and intermural. Mind: Classes held for PE. Spirit: Opening ceremonies and other events like Christmas Concert. When I went down there yesterday though, I thought about the fact that these aspects together are possibly just for functional reasons rather than a seriously planned reason. The largest space is needed for the concert and opening ceremonies. That’s why the large gym is used. I think that these may have come together for function not as a result of major planning. It is nice and convenient I think and it does make a unique dynamic to the location but I feel like it may not have had a lot of intention. 

1 comment:

  1. Check out my blog {DeAne's American Conversation} for a long response to this post. LDL
