Monday, February 21, 2011

More on apocalyptic theories...

I was inspired the other day to look further into apocalyptic theories after our class discussion. It seems like a very common theme among people to be curious and thoughtful on this topic. It is human nature to want to know what happens in the future and this particular theme is one that especially interests humans. I mean, why else are people so interested (even to the point of making movies, or facebook groups, etc.) just about the year 2012? Just because the Mayan calendar recycles that year, people have read into this fact in many different ways. I then wanted to look up other scientific theories on the topic of the end of life/ the Earth, which I found several. But here is a recent article which sparked my interest partially because it was recently written, but also because research was done close to my home at the University of Washington (which always sparks more interest).  

This article mostly focused on the Sun as the reason for the end of the earth. Once that important star burns out, life on earth will end (but that is not expected for billions of years so….) Other theories around this include problems from too much, or later on not enough carbon dioxide. Another theory presented is that the sun will go through phases of evolution, as it is currently very slowly getting hotter over time. Basically there are numerous theories on this topic which humankind is concerned with. It not only is in debate through religious points of view, but science as well.

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