Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Human Nature

In our final class period, we discussed the idea of human nature. Prior to that we talked about the general goal of overall equality in America. It is true that through the years, equality has been a major goal for America, and is seen through many events, wars, movements and leadership platforms. Why is this still such a large problem that seems to only make slow advancements? I might argue that it is due to human nature. At least in my experience, people in general have a side of them that is competitive. Everyone wants a better test grade or to win a game or even gain that promotion in work. In many cases this works out well and helps to make advancements in society. A side effect though is the mentality to have slightly more than those around you. A person always wants to better themselves, and by giving others less equality that makes that goal much easier. I feel like that can be named as a cause for the slow improvement of equality for all minorities. By allowing fewer freedoms to others, people with rights have an easier time gaining that “better” life situation. They are less likely to give into the equality and therefore may put up a fight, slowing down the rate of improvement in the equality field.    

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